Top 3 Courses That Promise A High Paying Job


As a fresh high school pass out or someone who is just about to graduate from high school, you might have been wondering what course you should take up in college so that you can have a good and secure job with a regular and high income. Considering the present state of our economy where jobs are drying up fast and out sourcing is on the rise, the question becomes even more important. In this article we will inform you about the 3 top courses that you can take up in college that will ensure your bright future.

  • Medicine:

Doctors are widely respected in our society. They are treated as highly educated and highly skilled intellectuals. Getting admission in a medical college isn’t that easy but if you are good at academics and you have a passion for healing then you must explore this option. Be assured that no doctor in our country is unemployed. Actually we still have a shortage of doctors and as a result they are always in high demand. The pay that they get is a testimony in itself to the highly successful careers that doctors lead. Again, if you are good in academics, it’s time that you explore the broachers of some leading medical colleges.

  • Engineering:

Engineering is perhaps the most widely taken course around the world. Since the globalization happened, every other country is focused on producing as many engineers as possible. But before you decide to take up engineering, you must also choose your field. There are many sub disciplines in engineering. For example you can graduate in computer science engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering and even food technology. Another important thing is that in order to pursue engineering, you must be good at maths and physics.

  • Architecture:

Have you ever looked at a building and said wow who designed this building. It’s the job of architects to design new and innovative buildings. If you have the creativity then there are no limits in the field of architecture. The field of architecture is somewhat similar to engineering. You must be good at maths and physics and you must also be good at drawing and visualizing your ideas on to a sheet of paper. There are plenty of jobs in the field of architecture and it pays well. In fact some architects are so well known that they don’t even need to do a job, they can simply select the projects that they want to do.

Soneeta Mangra-Dutcher is employed at Central Iowa Works as a Workforce Strategist. With a passion for seeing adult learners succeed, it is her job to ensure that the needs of job seekers are met and that employers are eager to hire training participants. Central Iowa Works is a workforce intermediary that assists employers in training, recruiting, and hiring qualified workers for jobs in central Iowa.